Congratulations !!!!

Congratulations to NG.Cub for winning 3rd place in the Game Pazzo, Starcraft II live tourney in Downers Grove, Illinois losing to only 2 Masters in his impressive showing. Great accomplishment for Kev and team NG. Way to go !!!!


5:30 PST

One hour and 45 minutes until Americas biggest SC2 tournament to date is set to start.  The North American Star League is the biggest thing to come to the U.S. in e-sports since Idra returned.  The biggest names are set to brawl; Artosis vs Sheth, Vibe vs TLO, Moon vs Grubby, Fenix vs Kiwikaki, and last but not least Rainbow vs Morrow.

People around the world are already speculating this to be the biggest flop of all e-sports history.  Some quoted as saying, “It will never work in America!” and on the other side, “This will be the biggest tournament ever!”.  With two sides to every story we must ask ourselves if we are with or against the NASL, and why be against it?  This is our chance to make SC2 legendary in our own country.  No more staying up ’till 2 a.m. to watch the GSL, and no more skipping classes to watch IEM and Dreamhack.

The world has been waiting for the NASL, but can they rise to the occasion?  The terrible production of  Clash of the Titans has many skeptical.  So, show us what you got EG.Incontrol, Xeris, Gretorp, and Russel, because we are counting on you.

Artosis Nerdballin it up

So Frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As im sure you already know, many people handle diffrent situations diffrently.Some handle pressure well, others, crumble. When your in a relationship and the person your dating asks for a break, do you crumble, or do you stand your ground? Some panic and overthink things, the stress manifesting itself in the form of smothering. They don’t really give the break that the person needs and has asked for. In my relationship, my girlfriend panics. I have asked for time, and she hasn’t really given me any. For the first couple days all seemed well till I recieved a phone call  from my friend a couple days ago, saying that she had been “facebooking” him wondering how long that the break is going to last. That might seem like a good idea when your freaking out, but to me, it only makes me angry.If you have a problem just confront me, don’t beat around the bush and involve people who have no buiesness knowing anything about my relationship status. Today i recieved another call saying that shes thinking that she wants to break up. Now why couldnt she just tell me that?!! Why did I have to learn that from my friend?  Another thing while im thinking about it is: when someone asks for time, just back off and give it to them. How does someone think objectively about something if you are breathing down their neck? The answer, you ask? THEY CAN’T!!!!! So again, I say to you,when someone asks for time, give it to them. Otherwise your pressuring is probably not going to lead to the answer that you are hoping for, but if you give them their space and let them think, things will most likely work out for the best.


You know you like this too…

You know u like it ….

The God named Riftstalkr!

I really dont know how to blog so im just gonna type whats going through my head right now. Here we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………………….!!!

Well, I honestly hate fucking dick ass bitches that complain about every God damn thing that happens in the world, and then when you try and help, its all YOUR fault! But whatever you know? If some one ever asks why you didnt give a comeback say “If I wanted my cum back, I wouldve wiped it off you face!”

This is just a really scary blog post huh? My mind is all fucked up when im tired, but I dont care.

On good news, im a rank 14 platinum now guys, that how ballin I am.

Il leave you guys with on more thing. If anyone talks shit on me or my team, il tear your hearts out, take a bite out of it, and shove it back down your throat through your fucking eye balls!

Starcraft II Computer Setup

A lot of visitors ask “Why is Notorious Gaming so gosu? What kind of computers do you use? What makes the girls want sexy-time with you guys so much?”

Why its our computer setups that make the panties drop and our opponents auto quit. Nothing like an awesome setup to help you pwning nooblets on BNet. So here is team NG’s typical computer setup.


Just copy our setup and your on your way to Masters League !!!! GLHF, drink milk !!!!

Notorious Gaming Tourney Series


Notorious Gaming inaugural tourney series! You’ve played in the practice tourneys, you’ve won for braggin’ rights, now is the time pull out the big guns and showcase your skills and win some cold-hard cash!

WHEN: April 17th, 2011 5:00pst
WHERE: NA Server
MEET: Chat Channel – Notorious Gaming
WHO: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze

Various games will be casted on and the semi-finals and finals will be showcased so you can tell your mom your famous! Good luck and above all HAVE FUN!!!!

Brought to you by Notorious Gaming e-sports team and