The God named Riftstalkr!

I really dont know how to blog so im just gonna type whats going through my head right now. Here we gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………………….!!!

Well, I honestly hate fucking dick ass bitches that complain about every God damn thing that happens in the world, and then when you try and help, its all YOUR fault! But whatever you know? If some one ever asks why you didnt give a comeback say “If I wanted my cum back, I wouldve wiped it off you face!”

This is just a really scary blog post huh? My mind is all fucked up when im tired, but I dont care.

On good news, im a rank 14 platinum now guys, that how ballin I am.

Il leave you guys with on more thing. If anyone talks shit on me or my team, il tear your hearts out, take a bite out of it, and shove it back down your throat through your fucking eye balls!

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